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Are you tired of dealing with the hassle of glasses or contacts? Have you been considering LASIK surgery but don’t know what to expect? LASIK surgery is one of the most popular techniques for vision correction. Since its approval by the FDA in 1999, over 20 million LASIK surgeries have been performed in the United States alone, with millions more having undergone this procedure worldwide.

If you’re wondering if LASIK surgery is right for you, this guide will help you learn what to expect before, during, and after surgery, and you’ll get answers to many of your frequently asked questions. We’ll explore what you can anticipate from the initial screening to the recovery, so you can decide whether you’re ready for LASIK.

Before LASIK Surgery: Getting Prepared

LASIK surgery is a popular method of correcting vision issues such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. While this procedure is relatively fast and painless, it helps to be well-prepared by understanding the steps you should take before surgery.

Schedule a Free Screening

Set a screening with a reputable and experienced LASIK surgeon like Newsom Eye, one of Florida’s leading multi-specialty eye care practices. During your initial visit, the surgeon will evaluate your eye health, assess your vision prescription, and determine whether you’re a suitable candidate for LASIK. They will also discuss the procedure and address your concerns or questions. 

Discontinue Contact Lens Use

Contact lenses can alter the cornea’s shape, inhibiting the surgeon from attaining accurate measurements to perform the procedure effectively. Therefore, if you regularly wear contact lenses, you’ll be instructed to discontinue their use before LASIK surgery. Refrain from wearing soft lenses for at least two weeks and rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses for several weeks. 

Arrange Transportation and Schedule Time Off

Make plans for a friend or family member to take you to the surgery center and drive you back home afterward. On the day of your LASIK surgery, you may receive a mild sedative to help you relax, which may temporarily blur your vision and impair your ability to operate a vehicle.

When you leave the procedure, your eyes still will not have adjusted enough to drive. Additionally, you should make the necessary arrangements for one to two days after surgery at work and home for recovery and time to heal.

Follow Pre-operative Instructions

Before surgery, your LASIK surgeon will provide guidelines to ensure the best possible outcome. On the day of the surgery, avoid applying makeup, lotions, or perfumes, as they may interfere with the laser’s accuracy and increase the risk of infection. You should try to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and bring a pair of sunglasses to shield your eyes from bright light following the procedure.

Take Care of Your Eyes

In the days leading up to LASIK surgery, take good care of your eyes. Avoid excessive rubbing and using eye makeup, creams, or lotions around the eyes. Keep your eyes well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water, and protect them from excessive sun exposure by wearing sunglasses.

Before LASIK Surgery: FAQs

What is the success rate of LASIK surgery?

LASIK surgery has a high success rate, with around 96-98% of patients achieving 20/20 vision or better.

Is there anything I should avoid eating or drinking before LASIK surgery?

It’s not necessary to fast before surgery. Unless otherwise instructed, your surgeon will likely advise you to eat a healthy meal before your scheduled date and to continue with your regularly scheduled medications.

During LASIK Surgery: Understanding the Procedure

Understanding what happens during LASIK surgery can alleviate much of your apprehension about the procedure’s process and ensure a smooth experience. LASIK is a refractive surgery that redirects light into your eye to improve your vision. It’s a relatively quick and straightforward outpatient procedure you can complete and go home on the same day.

Numbing the Eyes

Before the procedure begins, anesthetic eye drops will be applied to your eyes to ensure your comfort throughout the surgery. These drops will prevent possible pain or discomfort.

Placing an Eyelid Holder

Your surgeon will adjust a device called a speculum over your eye. It has a suction ring that steadies your eye from moving and blinking. 

Creating the Corneal Flap

Next, a specialized laser creates a thin, hinged flap on the cornea’s outer layer. The surgeon lifts this flap to expose the underlying corneal tissue.

Reshaping the Cornea

A second laser reshapes the cornea by removing precise amounts of tissue. This reshaping process is based on your pre-operative evaluation’s specific measurements and calculations. The laser emits cool ultraviolet light pulses that precisely reshape the cornea to correct your vision.

Flap Repositioning

Once the cornea is reshaped, the surgeon gently repositions the corneal flap back into its original position. The flap adheres naturally and will heal on its own.

Post-operative Care

After the procedure, you’ll receive protective goggles or a transparent shield to prevent accidental rubbing or bumping. Also, the surgery team will give you post-operative instructions to follow for the best recovery results. 


Is LASIK surgery painful?

It’s generally painless. Before the procedure, the surgeon applies numbing eye drops to ensure your comfort. You may feel slight pressure or a sensation of something touching your eye during the surgery, but there should be no pain. 

How long does LASIK surgery take?

The actual LASIK procedure typically takes around 10-15 minutes per eye. However, you’ll likely remain at the surgical center for a few hours for pre-operative preparations and post-operative monitoring.

Can I See During LASIK Surgery?

The laser used during LASIK surgery may temporarily cause your vision to blur or dim. However, the surgeon will guide you throughout the procedure, which includes focusing on a blinking fixation light.

Is LASIK surgery safe?

Yes, LASIK is considered safe and has a high success rate. This widely performed procedure has been refined and improved over several decades.

However, you should consult with the experienced LASIK surgeon at Newsom Eye, who will evaluate your case, discuss the potential risks and benefits, and assess your suitability for the surgery. To ensure a smooth surgical experience, adhere to pre-operative and post-operative instructions.

After LASIK Surgery: Tips for a Fast Recovery

Once the surgery is complete, how you approach your recovery will determine your results. To ensure a smooth and speedy recovery, here are some helpful tips to follow after LASIK surgery. Remember, each person’s healing process is unique, so don’t hesitate to reach out to your surgeon if you have any concerns or questions.

Rest and Relax

After LASIK surgery, rest and allow your eyes to heal. Plan to take a day or two off from work or any strenuous activities to give your eyes the necessary time to recover. Also, avoid rubbing your eyes which could disrupt the healing process.

Use Prescribed Eye Drops

Your surgeon will provide you with a set of prescribed eye drops to use after the procedure. These drops help prevent infection, reduce inflammation, and lubricate your eyes. Follow the instructions for the frequency and duration of usage.

Avoid Irritants

Protect your eyes from activities that may impede recovery, such as swimming, hot tubs, and saunas, for at least one to two weeks after LASIK surgery. Additionally, skip using eye makeup, creams, or lotions around the eyes until your surgeon gives the go-ahead.

Wear Eye Protection

Your surgeon may provide protective goggles or a transparent shield to prevent accidental rubbing or bumping of your eyes while sleeping. Wear them as directed, especially during the first few nights after LASIK surgery.

Keep Your Follow-up Appointments

After surgery, your LASIK surgeon will need to monitor your progress and address any concerns or questions you may have. Your surgeon will evaluate your healing, check your visual acuity, and make possible necessary adjustments to your post-operative care.


How long is the recovery period after LASIK surgery?

Most patients can return to normal activities within 24 hours after the surgery, but your vision may take several weeks to stabilize fully.

When will I notice improved vision after LASIK surgery?

Many patients experience improved vision almost immediately after LASIK surgery. However, it’s normal to experience some fluctuations in vision during the healing process. Your vision will continue stabilizing and improving in the days and weeks following the procedure.

Can I watch TV or use electronic devices after LASIK surgery?

Since it can strain your eyes and impede healing, limit the use of electronic devices, including watching TV and using computers or smartphones, during the first 24 hours after LASIK surgery.

Is it normal to experience dry eyes after LASIK surgery?

While 60% of patients experience dry eyes for a month after LASIK surgery, it’s a temporary side effect that usually resolves within a few weeks or months. Lubricating eye drops can help alleviate dryness.

Trust Newsom Eye for Your LASIK Surgery

When you’re ready for LASIK, Newsom Eye has Board Certified Ophthalmologists with over twenty years of experience and state-of-the-art LASIK surgery centers with the safest and most advanced technology. We offer individualized treatments and procedures with the fastest healing times. Get ready to say goodbye to glasses and contacts; and hello to better vision. Schedule a FREE LASIK Screening Today. You deserve NEWSOM EYES!

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