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Since Ms. Tubiolo was two years old, she had a passion for needlework. As an avid gardener, painter, and sewer, Ms. Tubiolo needs her vision to be clear so she can focus on the minute details of her craft. She previously took her father to Newsom Eye for his eye care, so when her vision in her right eye started impacting her favorite activities, she booked an appointment with our Newsom Eye team. 

Ms. Tubiolo’s right eye had developed a cataract, which is the clouding of the eye’s natural lens. Since her vision was impacting her life and hobbies, our team recommended cataract surgery. During cataract surgery, your eye’s lens is removed and replaced with a new, artificial lens. Ms. Tubiolo and our Newsom Eye team selected the Light Adjustable Lens, the first and only lens that can be customized after cataract surgery to your exact visual needs, lifestyle, and hobbies. 

After her cataract surgery, Ms. Tubiolo is excited that driving and reading street signs is easier, she can watch TV without glasses, and she even noticed an improvement in her balance. Ms. Tubiolo felt very comfortable with Dr. Newsom and our Newsom Eye team, she explained that each team member was aware and familiar with her medical history and was able to address any concerns. Ms. Tubiolo is excited to enjoy her detailed needlework, specifically with silk, now that she has vision customized to her lifestyle and has NEWSOM EYES!